Observing our experience, we journey consciously along our path.
~ Linda DeHart, from Colors In Motion: The Human Journey
Giving ourselves time to take in Colors In Motion helps us to slow down and expand our awareness. With more inner spaciousness, we hone our capacity to become aware of others in a deeper way. Join us for an evening of being authentic in the present moment. You are invited to participate by sharing your experience with the group or sitting quietly and witnessing.
We will be starting promptly Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7:30 - 9:00 pm ET. Though the session will conclude at 9:00 pm ET, you are invited to stay for more conversation and sharing.
If you are not already on our mailing list, please register with our form.

Expanding Horizons
Venturing beyond familiar paths, we expand our relationship with our world, and with the vibrant diversity of our human family. They create for people the feeling of belonging to our planet. Using our breath and an opening image, we will come into group resonance and coherence with a brief guided meditation, then participate in open-eyed audio visual meditations using Colors In Motion. Coming together in community, we can exchange what we discovered about the benefits to our nervous systems of experiencing Colors In Motion. The goal of this month’s Gathering is to envision our world in a newly discovered spectrum of colors we’d never perceived before.
Please bring your friends with whom you would like to share a meaningful experience. All are welcome.
We hope you can join us!